How to add additional SSH port in RUCKUS SmartZone(SZ)
Article talks about how to configure an additional port for SSH access, while default port remains 22 for SZ and AP/Switch/Dataplane communication.Question
Can we change the SSH default port on the SZ controller, or add additional port?Customer Environment
SZ-100, SZ-124, SZ-144, vSZResolution
Important note: An additional SSH port can be configured for SmartZone's CLI access but default port will always remain 22 which will be utilized by the APs and other devices to communicate with the controller.Supported version: SmartZone 6.1.X and later.
Log into the SZ/vSZ as the admin user to the CLI via SSH:Welcome to the Ruckus SmartZone 100 Command Line Interface
SZ100-45> enable
Password: ********
SZ100-45# debug
SZ100-45(debug)# debug-tools
[Change to system]
Welcome to Debug CLI Framework!
(debug tool-set) system $
(debug tool-set) system $ use sz
[Change to sz]
(debug tool-set) sz $
(debug tool-set) sz $ manage-alias-ssh-port
1.) Set alias SSH port
2.) Get alias SSH port
3.) Delete alias SSH port
Select Option (1/2/3): <Enter the number as per requirement>
1.) To Set SSH port
(debug tool-set) sz $ manage-alias-ssh-port
1.) Set alias SSH port
2.) Get alias SSH port
3.) Delete alias SSH port
Select Option (1/2/3): 1
Enter the port number: 3333
[Execution Done!]
2.) To view the SSH port
(debug tool-set) sz $
(debug tool-set) sz $ manage-alias-ssh-port
1.) Set alias SSH port
2.) Get alias SSH port
3.) Delete alias SSH port
Select Option (1/2/3): 2
[Execution Done!]
3.) To delete the SSH port
(debug tool-set) sz $ manage-alias-ssh-port
1.) Set alias SSH port
2.) Get alias SSH port
3.) Delete alias SSH port
Select Option (1/2/3): 3
[Execution Done!]
(debug tool-set) sz $
Access Points cannot communicate with the alias SSH port, and used only to access CLI of the controller.
Article Number:
May 21, 2024 03:51 PM (10 months ago)
Configuration, System Network Management, SZ144, SZ300, virtual SmartCell Gateway, SZ100
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