Software Downloads

SCI 2.1 (GA) Software Release

Ruckus SmartCell Insight (SCI) Release 2.1

- For VM ESXi 5.0+ and AWS installations.

Filename:  rsa-v2.1.0-ova-7.tar   

MD5 Checksum:  738fdf37b6c6fdc39070c3be2305c798

Please read the SCI 2.0 (GA) Release Notes before upgrading for minimum resource requirements. Read it now.

For SCI users seeking to migrate from version 1.x to 2.x please read this document for more details.

2016-10-17 04:04:07 PM
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File Size:
2 GB
MD5 Checksum:

SCI 2.1 (GA) Software Release

SmartCell Insight (SCI)

Ruckus SmartCell Insight (SCI) is the industry’s first Big Data Wi-Fi analytics and reporting engine purpose built to help service providers make informed business decisions regarding the operation of their Wi-Fi networks. It makes use of Big Data technology and storage innovations found in columnar database repositories, which greatly enhance the scale and performance of a system when used to process historical data.

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