Technical Documents

Best Practice Guide for Service Providers

This document provides an overview of how to configure RUCKUS products to support Service Provider deployments, specifically Carrier Offload. This document outlines procedures for configuration and testing for Service Provider networks. Some knowledge of the RUCKUS Networks equipment and wireless site survey software is recommended.
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Applicable To The Following Products


RUCKUS One is an AI-driven network assurance and business intelligence platform that enables enterprises to easily manage a converged network, make better business decisions, and deliver exceptional user experiences. With flexible subscription and deployment models, RUCKUS One enables you to deploy future-proof networks simply, reliably, securely and at cloud-scale.

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RUCKUS Unleashed

RUCKUS Unleashed is a premium standalone network management solution for residential and small business networks. Optimized for audio and video streams, the Unleashed provides the easy onboarding audio-visual setups for conferencing, and high quality video streaming.

RUCKUS Unleashed is highly reliable, easy to use and affordable. With embedded controller functionality, there’s no need to invest in a separate appliance. Patented radio technologies and dedicated traffic management monitor and optimize your network all the time. You can manage your entire network with your Unleashed mobile app or Unleashed Portal anywhere with no complicated firewall setup, free of charge.

RUCKUS Unleashed Wi-Fi makes business running easy. Automatic and dynamic radio and network features such as BeamFlex+™, ChannelFly™ and SmartMesh™, Unleashed Wi-Fi dynamically manages your network. No daily reboot required. RUCKUS Unleashed AV profile enables the AV professional to setup the network without going through tedious network configurations.

RUCKUS Unleashed is an enterprise-class network. The redundancy master design and automatic master migration guarantees the network is running and managed all the time. Dedicated traffic control features like application aware traffic control, Wi-Fi Calling handling, SmartCast media traffic management makes silky smooth traffic controls for the customers. NO IT certificate-based authentication simplifies the authentication process.

The Unleashed Remote Management Services, RMS, is a premium version of Unleashed Portal remote access. The RMS smooths the onboarding and management of multiple installations like a charm. Service providers can deploy, oversee, backup and upgrade all the networks remotely from your service center without sending truckloads.

RUCKUS Unleashed APs and switches deliver all of this and more at an affordable price. And if your business grows and you need to move to a controller- or cloud-based infrastructure, you can—without having to overhaul your infrastructure. Migrate to RUCKUS SmartZone™ Controllers or RUCKUS One cloud service down the road—using the same Unleashed APs.

Virtual SmartZone - (vSZ)

Note: The Virtual SmartCell Gateway (vSCG) has a new name: Virtual SmartZone (vSZ). Same product, new name.

The Ruckus Virtual SmartZone (vSZ) is an NFV-based and cloud-ready WLAN controller for service providers and enterprises ready to elevate their WLAN deployment to the next level of flexibility, resiliency, andscale. vSZ operates in two modes: Essentials and High-Capacity.

Enterprises will find that the Essentials mode (vSZ-E) delivers world-beating Wi-Fi performance in an incredibly easy to manage and cost-effective package that’s friendly to both virtualized and/or distributed environments.

Managed Service Providers deploying the High-Capacity mode (vSZ-H) in their data center will experience a scalable carrier-class Wi-Fi rollout brimming with unique service provider features ready to back up their service level agreements. 

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